Here are all the light novels releasing during the week of September 14th to the 20th, 2020.
The Extraordinary, the Ordinary, and SOAP! Volume 3 (eBook)
Amazon -- iBook -- Kobo -- Google Play -- Bookwalker
Releasing September 14, 2020 -- ASIN: B08CD4CN2T
Mapping: The Trash-Tier Skill That Got Me Into a Top-Tier Party Volume 1 (eBook)
Amazon -- iBook -- Kobo -- Google Play -- Bookwalker
Released September 15, 2020 -- ASIN: B08CD3BZP4
Deathbound Duke's Daughter Volume 2 (eBook)
Amazon -- iBook -- Kobo -- Google Play -- Bookwalker
Releasing September 19, 2020 -- ASIN: B08BPCZM8G
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: The Wayward Journey Volume 8 (eBook)
Amazon -- iBook -- Kobo -- Google Play -- Bookwalker
Releasing September 20, 2020 -- ASIN: B08CD41QHC