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The Champions of Justice and the Supreme Ruler of Evil

The Champions of Justice and the Supreme Ruler of Evil
The Champions of Justice and the Supreme Ruler of Evil

English Title: The Champions of Justice and the Supreme Ruler of Evil
Japanese Title: 正義の味方と悪の総統 — Seiginomikata to Aku no Soutou
Author: Kaede Kikyou — 桔梗楓
Illustrator: Tobari
Translator: Jekaterina Bält
Genre: Super Heroes, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi, Comedy, Josei
Original Run: May 2013 – June 2013 (Web Novel)
English Run: September 2018
Japanese Publisher: N/A
English Publisher: Cross Infinite World
Volumes in Japanese: 1 (Completed)
Volumes in English: 1 (Completed)
Average Price Per Volume: Kindle $9 — Nook $9

Synopsis:World domination: our long-cherished aspiration! Naturally, the most appropriate person to aspire to such a surreal ideal is the Supreme Ruler of Evil! Mia Oonari's father, the former Supreme Ruler of Evil, died leaving his only child with their organization's sole ambition: world domination! Mia sets about enacting her own innocent ideal of taking over the world only to be hindered by the five Champions of Justice who make up the Crow Rangers! This is the comedic story about a villainess who lacks the tact of exacting her evil schemes and the Champions of Justice who lack motivation in stopping her. Join Mia as she finds love, friendship, and the truth behind her world-breaking magic in this light novel!

Volume 1 ebook
AmazonNookApple BooksKoboBookwalkerGoogle Play
Released September 10, 2018 — ASIN: B07FZBWL5F

Volume 1 print
Released July 02, 2019 — ISBN: 978-1945341236

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