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Light Novel Notes: Third Anniversary Edition

(pictured: Your Lie in April)

Happy third birthday to this site! It was May 5th of 2014 when I published the first posts for, which were five light novel entries and a news post about the announcement of the Yen On imprint. The site has grown a bit since then… (Fun fact: this is exactly the 400th post for the site. I did not plan that, honestly.)

Site News

Due to busyness in real life, I unfortunately haven’t been able to do regular news posts like this as I’ve wanted to. The number of light novels releasing these days has gotten higher than I probably expected to ever see when I first made this site though, so it’s taken some effort to keep up with all the new LN entries and updates (and those preorder and current releases pages). I hope all the information here at least is still helpful for everyone! That said, I have plans to kick things up a notch here over the next few months. Look forward to all of this:

I will announce what novels we will read for the reading program soon. Get excited to read and discuss six new light novels!

Light Novel News

First, I’m going to just go over all the recent light novel licenses for English release.

There are some more recent licenses that I haven’t covered on this site yet, but are well-worth mentioning:

Juuni Taisen: Zodiac Warriors

Viz Media licensed NisiOisin and Hikaru Nakamura’s novel Juuni Taisen: Zodiac Warriors. This will be released as a hardcover volume in October. The story is a battle royale “where 12 warriors who are burdened with the names of the 12 Chinese Zodiac members fight with each other’s lives and pride at stake, all to grant just one wish.” An anime adaptation is planned to air this year.

Your Lie in April

I can’t find an official announcement for it, but it looks like a novel adaptation for the Your Lie in April manga will be released by Vertical on July 25th. The manga is available in English from Kodansha Comics. Here is a summary for the novel:

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