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Cho: Hi everyone, hope you are all having a nice summer. I have moved back to Japan and have stable internet access once more, so I should be able to update things here more over the coming weeks. But first, it’s time to introduce a new staff member for this site!
Who are you?
Melody: I’m Melody (Rhymes with Melody for the full pseudonym) and I’m an English-French translator and soon-to-be Japanese translator! I also was in charge of a certain obscure blog that just died recently. *wink*
Cho: Do you live in France? What is the light novel scene like there?
Melody: I live in France, yes. The light novel scene is slowly recovering from the first flop, as a new publishing company decided to do à la Yen Press by publishing fan favorites (SAO, DanMachi). The market is smaller (due to several problems) but I’m confident there’ll be more series in the future.
Cho: What language do you usually read light novels in?
Melody: I mainly read in English. I sometimes read in Japanese for learning purposes.
Cho: What got you into light novels? What do you like about them?
Melody: I first learned about light novels when Ben-To aired, back in 2010. The anime is one of my all-time favorites. As for what I like about them, I would say their silliness. A lot of LNs have pretty absurd stories. I like to spend time finding the most stupid synopses and give some a read.
Cho: What are some of your favorite light novels?
Melody: Ben-To, Zaregoto, HakoMari, NGNL, and Taimadou Gakuen. I could also add Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita but I only saw the anime and didn’t find time to read the novel.
Cho: Outside of light novels, what other things do you enjoy?
Melody: I’m gonna be a little boring but I play video games, mostly casual racing games or fighting games, and listen to all kinds of music. Nothing too exciting.
Cho: What kind of posts do you plan to write here at englishlightnovels.com?
Melody: LN reviews and editorials! I love writing in-depth articles but reviews are my bread ‘n butter. I express my opinion on everything. Everything.
Cho: Sounds great! I’ll look forward to reading your posts. :)
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Welcome Melody. Looking forward to reading your posts!
Thank you! :3
Hello there. I look forward to what you will be contributing!
I have a review slated for the next few days so you won’t have to wait for long. :)
Welcome Melody! Looking forward to your perspective on some LN titles.
Thank you, Justin!
[…] nice to hear from fellow light novel fans. (Also, shout out to my friend Melody for becoming a new staff member […]