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Summer Reading 2019 — Set Your Personal Reading Goal

Hello, Cho here~ It’s almost summer, and you know what that means — time for summer reading…!

Actually I was thinking of just not bothering this year, since I’m still really busy with a lot of other stuff for the blog, and it always takes a lot of work to get folks to read and discuss any of the summer reading books. But doing nothing at all is no fun, so this is what I came up with:

Set a light novel reading goal for yourself this summer. It can be however many books you’d like. A bunch of old releases of a series you want to catch up on? The new releases for all the series you’re following? Every volume that’s out for an entire series you want to binge-read? The first volume of a dozen different series you want to sample? Every light novel EVER? You decide! And at the end of each month (June, July, and August) check in here and let us know how the reading’s going. You can simply leave a quick comment to the post itself, or you can enjoy your day of dazzling destiny in the post itself if you want to email me a paragraph (or more!) some time beforehand. This can be your big chance to let the “world-wide web” know just how much the stories you’re reading please you. (Or, heaven forbid, how much the stories frustrate you?)

So for now, just let us all know what your goal is. It can be as simple as a number of light novels you’d like to read over the summer. Or you can specifically state all the volumes you want to read, if you already have a to-read list in mind. I’ll go ahead and start with my own goal:

Before I created this website, one of the light novels I read off and on was Kieli, a series I feel is super-underrated in the English LN community. But I never finished all the books, and it’s been a while since I read any of it so I feel like starting from the beginning and reading through the whole series. There are nine volumes total, so I’ll have to read three volumes each month. I can handle that while working on and reading other stuff. And getting the books themselves shouldn’t be an issue since ebooks were released for the full series last year.

That’s my summer reading goal — what’s yours? Good luck meeting your goal, and have fun!

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